I was really good yesterday and stayed away from all the blogs in order to do some major housecleaning. Today, I have been checking out my favorite blogs. Ms. M posted about Mia's Men a couple of days ago and how she was contributing to this story being created by several bloggers following Cheryl Brooks Erotic Blogspot. Of course I went over and checked it out. Today I went back and read the recent installments. I have to say that I can't wait to read what these creative people are going to come up with and will probably break the promise I made to myself to stay off my computer and get some reading done. Any how I decided to check out some more of Ms. M's favorite blogs. I ran across Racy Romance Reviews. Jessica, and I do hope that I have the right name, recently posted about the last 11 books she purchased and why. She was also running a contest for anyone who posted about the last five books that they purchased and why. I think this is really neat idea, it not only gives insight into how we find the books we love by a little about ourselves for those that read between the lines. I am too late for the contest, but that matters not, I am still going to participate in this little activity, using her rules: last 5 romance novels you bought (no ARCs or freebies) and why you bought them, however I will attempt to post about the last 11 books I purchased.
In NO particular order, here is my list:
1. Take A Stranger No More by Beth Kery (Kindle)
Reason: I just received a Kindle for Mother's day, why this book... a good way to get my Beth Kery fix while waiting on my copy of Daring Time to arrive.
2. The Commander's Desire by Jennette Green (Kindle)
Reason: Wanted another book for my Kindle, why this book... I read about it here on Kat's blog.
3. Highlander Ever After by Jennifer Ashley (Kindle)
Reason: Night Owl Romance was running a virtual signing on May 11 for Jennifer Ashley, and I love my Highlanders.
4. Vexing The Viscount by Emily Bryan
Reason: Have heard really good things about this book.
5. Some Like It Wild by Teresa Medeiros
Reason: The hero is the brother of the heroine in Some Like it Wicked
6. Lover Avenged by JR Ward
Reason: Do I really need to explain?... I have joined the band wagon and am very addicted to the Brotherhood.
7. Raine by Elizabeth Amber
Reason: The second in the Lords of Satyr series.
8. Border Moonlight by Amanda Scott
Reason: The cover caught my eye.
9. Devil of the Highlands by Lynsay Sands
Reason: It is a Highlander book, and I needed a book that took place in Scotland for a challenge.
10. Into the Flame by Christina Dodd
Reason: I needed the fourth book in the Shape shifter series, so that eventually I can start reading it.
11. To Beguile a Beast by Elizabeth Hoyt
Reason: Yes it is the third book in Hoyts Four Soldiers series, but the cover is so pretty!!
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5 hours ago
Hi Heather! Hope you are enjoying "Mia's Men". I wrote the conclusion this morning so there are only a few more installments left before our story ends.
Yes, I am really enjoying Mia's Men!!!
Hi Heather!
You have a great blog here and I will will look forward to coming by often. You have many of the same reading likes it do.
I cannot wait for the release of "Ashes of Midnight" - in fact, mine is pre-ordered. :)
Thanks for dropping by closewriter every day. I really appreciated it.
Warm regards
PS: Isn't "Mia's Men", great?
Hi Heather,
You do have a cute blog! Since you are following the Cheryl Brooks Blog, I thought you might like to know I'm giving away two copies of her book Rogue on my blog today.
You can find it here:
I'm so glad I found your blog!
Thank you Lea, it has been my pleasure coming by Closetwriter everyday. I really enjoy reading your reviews and it is such a cute blog. I was watching Hotel For Dogs yesterday with my son and I thought of you when I saw Romeo. LOL
Hi Sabrina, Thank you for stopping by and saying such sweet things. I have never read anything by Cheryl Brooks, but I am really enjoying Mia's Men! Thanks for the invite, I will stop by in a bit.
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